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GunasingheWilliam GopallawaT. Kehelgamuwa and many others. DAANA would be stronger, if everybody participates. Root singlewandern tübingen DAANA Our Mission Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America DAANA was formed to involve itself in projects that will improve educational, social, and cultural activities and infrastructure at Dharmaraja College, Kandy DRCKSri Lanka, and promote networking and camaraderie of alumni of DRCK, in North America.
DAANA will also involve in projects that will advance learning, singlewandern tübingen and other academic activities in Sri Lanka singlewandern tübingen general. Our Alma mater Dharmaraja CollegeKandy, singlewandern tübingen, Sri Lanka est.
DAANA latest newsletters Volume 11 Series. Previous newsletters. DAANA Updates. DAANA - PayPal secured payment gateway Your Donations are processed securely by PayPal secured payment gateway - Read more To make a donation, click the "Donate" button above or in the right pane.
You don't need to have a PayPal account to proceed. Simply pay with your credit or debit cards. We DAANA will acknowledge your payments immediately.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact DAANA anytime. Since DAANA is volunteer led organization, there is no overhead to singlewandern tübingen our projects. We and those we serve deeply appreciate your generous donations. Thank you - DAANA.
DAANA i s a voluntarily led organization incorporated in the State of Maryland since February and has Tax Singlewandern tübingen Status in the US as defined by Section c 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. DAANA Constitution. DONATE DAANA Your donations are US tax-exempted, singlewandern tübingen.
You can donate using above "Donation" button secured payment link or write a check payable to: "Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America" or the short name "DAANA", and mail the check to:.
Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America. Connect with us ; DAANA Group Old Rajans DAANA User Google Plus OldRajansNA Channel. Email : oldrajans dharmaraja-na, singlewandern tübingen. org Address : DAANA Red Gate Ct Bowie MD - USA.
Copyright © DAANA last update - Oct 30th, Terms Of Use Privacy Statement. Our Mission. Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America DAANA was formed to involve itself in projects that will improve educational, social, and cultural activities and infrastructure at Dharmaraja College, Kandy DRCKSri Lanka, and promote networking and camaraderie of alumni of DRCK, in North America.
Our Alma mater. DAANA latest newsletters. Volume 11 Series Issue 05 - DAANA Scholarships Issue 04 - DAANA Fund Raising and Digital Pencil Issue 03 - Webinars and Digital Pencil Issue 02 - Fund Raising Issue 01 - DAANA Board of Directors Previous newsletters. DAANA - PayPal secured payment gateway. You can donate using above "Donation" button secured payment link or write a check payable to: "Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America" or the short name "DAANA", and mail the check to: Dharmaraja Alumni Association of North America, singlewandern tübingen.
Email :. Address :.
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